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BioSilver 22 Gel with its unique technology provides thorough cleansing and sanitising of your hands and body, while also ensuring good care for your skin given the realities of living a modern life.
BioSilver 22 Gel cares for your skin and provides assurance that you can adequately and conveniently cleanse yourself and go about the day without being afraid to interact with your environment.
BioSilver 22 Gel utilises unique SilverSol Technology®, which has antibacterial properties. The technology is scientifically proven and exclusively patented.


BioSilver 22 Gel with its unique technology provides thorough cleansing and sanitising of your hands and body, while also ensuring good care for your skin given the realities of living a modern life.


BioSilver 22 Gel cares for your skin and provides assurance that you can adequately and conveniently cleanse yourself and go about the day without being afraid to interact with your environment.

Key Benefits

  • Contains antibacterial properties.
  • Promotes effective cleansing on the skin.
  • The gel is clear, odourless, non-greasy, contains no alcohol or preservatives, and does not dehydrate the skin.


  • BioSilver 22 Gel is for external use only.
  • BioSilver 22 Gel can be used for sanitary and cleansing applications.


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History of Silver

It’s Not Just Silver!

Thousands of years of silver usage around the world

The father of modern medicine and ancient Greek physician, Hippocrates, once wrote that silver possessed beneficial healing and antidisease properties. The Phoenicians used to store water, wine and vinegar in silver bottles to prevent spoiling. Silver’s antibacterial, preservative and restorative powers can be traced as far back as the ancient Greek and Roman Empires.


Worldwide revolutionary silver

  • Silver water purification filters and tablets are manufactured in Switzerland and used by many national and international airlines to prevent growth of algae and bacteria.
  • Electrical ionisation units that impregnate water with silver and copper ions are often used to sanitise pool water without the harsh effects of chlorine.
  • The former Soviet Union used silver to sterilise recycled water on their space vehicles.
  • The Swiss use silver filters in homes and offices.
  • Some US cities use silver in the treatment of sewage.
  • In the Japanese workplace, silver is a popular agent in the fight against airborne toxins as well other industrial poisons.


Another choice in health care

There have never been any adverse health effects related to the longstanding, widespread use of silver. It has been well accepted that silver as a metal is not toxic. In addition, modern clinical studies have proven the efficacy of ultradilute silver aqua-sols is extraordinary, powerful and antibacterial.

Recently, with the development of the antibiotic resistance of many diseases and the increase in the new strains of bacteria and viruses worldwide, there is renewed interest in silver as a complementary health care option. Large companies are developing and introducing new silver compounds for a variety of antimicrobial applications. It remains popular as an ‘alternative’ health care modality because of the large number of positive benefits.

How Does SilverSol Technology® Work?

SilverSol Technology® uses a two-pronged approach:


1. Silver Oxide
The silver oxide coating has antibacterial properties which assist in neutralising bacterial cell membrane.

Silver Oxide

2. Resonance
SilverSol resonates at 890-910 terahertz, the same antimicrobial frequency used in laboratories with antibacterial properties via ultraviolet lights.

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